SPLK-1005 actual questions SPLK-1005 exam SPLK-1005 exam practice SPLK-1005 exam questions SPLK-1005 online practice Splunk Splunk Cloud Certified Admin

15 Splunk SPLK-1005 exam actual questions you need to know

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Splunk SPLK-1005 exam actual questions

The 15 selected Splunk SPLK-1005 exam questions contain their characteristics in the exam. You can practice online to understand the specific details of exam questions.

The Leads4Pass Splunk SPLK-1005 exam contains a total of 73 real questions. This is also the latest and most effective exam material currently on the market. Candidates are recommended to download the complete Leads4Pass Splunk SPLK-1005 exam practice questions: https://www.leads4pass.com/splk-1005.html, ensuring you quickly improve your scores and successfully pass the exam.

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Splunk SPLK-1005 exam actual questions online practice

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IT ProviderNumber of exam questionsOnline quantityRelated certifications
Leads4Pass73 Q&A15 Q&ASplunk Certifications
More official details: https://www.splunk.com/en_us/training/certification-track/splunk-cloud-certified-admin.html

Question 1:

Which feature of forwarders can improve the network performance and reduce the bandwidth consumption?

A. Data compression

B. SSL security

C. Data sampling

D. Data filtering

Correct Answer: A

Question 2:

What is the name of the input processor that allows you to monitor files that Windows rotates automatically on machines that run Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 and higher?

A. monitor

B. MonitorNoHandle

C. upload

D. UploadNoHandle

Correct Answer: B

Question 3:

Which configuration file parameter can be used to modify line termination settings interactively, using the Set Source Type page in Splunk Web?





Correct Answer: B

Question 4:

Which configuration file needs to be edited to enable local indexing on the forwarder?

A. outputs.conf

B. inputs.conf

C. props.conf

D. transforms.conf

Correct Answer: A

Question 5:

What is the name of the first step that you need to perform to configure the LDAP authentication scheme with Splunk Web?

A. Create an LDAP strategy

B. Map LDAP groups to Splunk roles

C. Configure LDAP settings

D. Test LDAP connection

Correct Answer: A

Question 6:

Which tool can be used to verify that data is actually being received on the specified port on the indexing server?

A. tcpdump

B. netstat

C. ping

D. traceroute

Correct Answer: A

Question 7:

What is the name of the configuration file where you can invoke data transformations by associating them with a host, source, or source type?

A. limits.conf

B. props.conf

C. inputs.conf

D. transforms.conf

Correct Answer: B

Question 8:

Which option can be used to specify the host value of the data when creating a file or directory monitor input?

A. Set Host

B. Select Host

C. Choose Host

D. Define Host

Correct Answer: A

Question 9:

What is the name of the configuration file where you can specify the source type for a data input?

A. limits.conf

B. props.conf

C. inputs.conf

D. transforms.conf

Correct Answer: C

Question 10:

What is the default value of the LINE_BREAKER setting that splits the incoming stream of data into separate lines?

A. Any sequence of newlines and carriage returns

B. Any sequence of spaces and tabs

C. Any sequence of punctuation marks

D. Any sequence of alphanumeric characters

Correct Answer: A

Question 11:

What is the name of the Splunk Cloud feature that allows you to perform self-service administrative tasks such as creating indexes, inputs, and roles?

A. Admin Config Service

B. Admin Console

C. Admin Dashboard

D. Admin Toolkit

Correct Answer: A

Question 12:

Which command can be used to download and install the universal forwarder software on a Linux system?

A. wget -O splunkforwarder–Linux-x86_64.tgz `https://www.splunk.com/bin/splunk/DownloadActivityServlet?architecture=x86_64andplatfor m=linuxandversion=andproduct=universalforwarderandfilename=splunkforwarder-Linux-x86_64.tgz\’

B. tar xvzf splunkforwarder–Linux-x86_64.tgz -C /opt

C. /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk start –accept-license

D. All of the above

Correct Answer: D

Question 13:

What is the name of the Splunk Enterprise feature that provides a security data and event management (SIEM) solution that uses machine data to detect and respond to threats?

A. Splunk Enterprise Security

B. Splunk Enterprise Intelligence

C. Splunk Enterprise Analytics

D. Splunk Enterprise Monitoring

Correct Answer: A

Question 14:

Which Windows-specific input type allows Splunk software to read special Windows log files such as the DNS debug server log?

A. MonitorNoHandle

B. Windows Event Log

C. Windows Registry

D. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

Correct Answer: A

Question 15:

Which feature allows a light forwarder to reduce the amount of data sent to the indexer by discarding some events or fields?

A. Data cloning

B. Data filtering

C. Data sampling

D. Data masking

Correct Answer: C

Carefully practicing the 15 selected Splunk SPLK-1005 exam questions can also improve some exam scores. Download the Leads4Pass SPLK-1005 exam questions with PDF and VCE: https://www.leads4pass.com/splk-1005.html, Make sure you pass the exam with 100% success.